Characteristics Of An Emotional Support Dog - 2021 Guide



An ESA letter is provided, which ensures the availability of the emotional support animal whenever you need it. Usually, cats, dogs, and miniature horses serve as emotional support animals. Therapists also provide Emotional Support Cat and traveling so that owners do not have to struggle a lot in keeping the animal with them. Emotional support animals are part of the therapy of the patients so they need to keep their animals with them. These animals will eliminate the depression and loneliness of the people by providing them with emotional support and companionship.



The ESA dogs are quite different from the service dogs. The ESA dog is specifically trained to provide companionship and emotional support to its owner. It is required to provide the ESA dog with the proper accommodation. You cannot keep them outside the house or an apartment. The ESA dog can travel with the owner anywhere either by air or by road. It just requires proper paperwork of the dog and esa letter in which traveling guidelines for the ESA are provided. There are many benefits of keeping an ESA dog. Some of its key characteristics are as follows:



  •         The most common and important benefit of the ESA dog is that it provides emotional support to the owner who has been suffering from mental illness. He helps in relieving the loneliness and the depression of the owner. ESA dog has the capabilities to reduce or completely eliminate the symptoms of different mental disorders.


  •         Whenever the owner feels anxiety and stress, the ESA dog provides him with all sorts of comfort to alleviate the stress and the depression. ESA dogs generate a sense of relaxation and boost up the mood. 


  •         If someone is afraid to travel by air, the ESA dog provides him with support and courage. He provides him with his support and a sense of calm during the flight. He will help his owner to tackle aerophobia. With the help of an esa letter for housing, the owner can easily travel and keep himself calm and composed.


  •         Usually, people suffering from depression or anxiety stop meeting other people. They even stop going outside the house. An ESA dog encourages his owner to go outside and meet people to alleviate the social anxiety in his owner. ESA dogs will boost up the social activities of their owner. They can help their owner deal with Agoraphobia and panic attacks. ESA dogs encourage their owners to become more social and physically active. By living with other people, the owner can keep himself happy and away from feelings of loneliness and depression.


  •         ESA dogs help in improving physical health as well. They help in lowering the blood pressure and decreasing the respiratory rate of their owner. The dog improves the ability of his owner to cope with the pain and tackle different problems. When the physical health of the owner gets improved, it becomes easier for him to tackle different issues associated with mental health. In order to live a quality life, a person needs to be both emotionally and physically fit. ESA dogs have the capability to keep the owner both physically and emotionally strong and to spend a quality life.


  •         When the owner of the ESA dog takes care of him, it creates a sense of purpose in him. Not only does the emotional support dog letter provide love and companionship, he demands care as well. This care proves to be emotionally rewarding. The owner develops feelings of love and care for the ESA dog, which has the ability to heal the person and help him deal with different issues of life.


  •         ESA dog provides the feeling to his owner that he is secured and safe. He remains with the owner whenever he needs him. ESA dogs provide security to the owner, which helps him to in alleviating stress in life. The feelings of being secure help the person in reducing the symptoms of depression.


  •         ESA dog boosts the self-esteem of the owner and makes him more motivated and confident.


  •         If any person is diagnosed with a certain disease and he has been prescribed to keep an ESA dog, it will prove beneficial for him. The Emotional Support Dog will decrease the symptoms of the disease with which his owner has been diagnosed.


Research has proved that best guard dogs and ESA dogs are different from each other in their functions and characteristics. It is proven from the research that if you are suffering from mental illness and you keep the emotional support animal letter with you, he will improve 82% of your illness within a month. ESA dogs lead to the release of a hormone known as oxytocin, which produces a feeling of pleasure in a person.




Useful Resources:


What Makes an ESA Better than Other Pets? - 2021 Guide


Provide proof about your pet’s good behavior - 2021 Guide


How To Construct A ESA Canine House? – 2021 Guide


Pick The Right ESA Canine For Traveling - 2021 Guide

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